Definition, meaning, and explanation of


What is the meaning of Crossdocking?

The definition of Crossdocking is that it is a logistics procedure where products are unloaded from a truck or railroad car, sorted, and directly reloaded onto outbound trucks or rail cars to continue their journey; with marginal to no handling or storage time.

The name “crossdocking” defines the process of receiving products through an inbound dock and transferring them to the outbound transportation dock. 

Crossdocking simply means inbound products arrive at the allocated receiving dock on one side of the crossdock terminal and once the inbound docking is completed then the products are moved to the outbound dock for unloading, sorting, and inspection for destination. 

The benefits of Cross Docking

Here are some of the key benefits of Crossdocking in logistics:

  • Increased accuracy by eliminating manual handling
  • Reduced inventory costs with better warehouse management
  • Improve supply chain and delivery times
  • Increased sustainability and reduced transportation costs
  • Better responsiveness with real–time tracking

Related terms in the

3PL Glossary
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