Hopstack and ProGlove Integration Helps Warehouses Work Faster and Easier

Team Hopstack
April 1, 2022
5 min read
Hopstack and ProGlove Integration Helps Warehouses Work Faster and Easier

Humans get tired. Warehouse personnel more so, because of all the picking and scanning and walking around the facility. Hence, if a warehouse is striving to increase its efficiency, it becomes imperative to ensure that the warehouse personnel is either i) expending less effort, or ii) getting more work done. 

One of the most important and time-consuming activities performed by a warehouse agent is scanning. Agents must scan bins, parcels, destination tables, packing tables, packaging material, among multiple other locations and items, to ensure that the correct item reaches the intended location. ProGlove is one of the biggest companies in the warehouse automation space that is working towards making scanning as intuitive and efficient as possible.

ProGlove’s MARK line-up of handsfree warehouse wearable scanners empowers personnel to perform scanning operations without using their hands. With its innovative back-of-the-hand placement, ProGlove scanners allow warehouse personnel to perform activities with a high level of dexterity and accuracy. 

Hopstack’s integrated solution for ProGlove wearable devices offers warehouse managers the option to integrate their scanners and warehouse systems into one cohesive and automated system. This helps in unlocking efficiencies, streamlining processes, and reducing worker fatigue and injuries.

Coherent Integration with Platform

The ProGlove companion app integrates seamlessly with the Hopstack platform through the WebSockets API, which means that all the data collected by the scanner is securely transferred to the ProGlove servers and then handed over to the Hopstack platform. This ensures that all scanned data is transferred securely and seamlessly to the Hopstack platform. Additionally, the integration also allows warehouse managers to track the device status, health, battery life, and analyze workflows. Finally, the ProGlove integration makes it possible for warehouse managers to track efficiency metrics like average scanning time, fulfillment time, average picking time, and so on, ensuring that every last bit of efficiency that can be achieved, is achieved.

hopstack-proglove integration working
How the Hopstack-ProGlove Integration Works

Unparalleled Efficiency Boosts

The Hopstack platform, coupled with ProGlove scanners, ensures that warehouse managers are extracting the best possible results from their scanning operations. ProGlove scanners are one of the most efficient scanners on the market. Their wearable form factor coupled with best-in-class components make it a mainstay for warehouses that yearn for efficiency. With the Hopstack integration, ProGlove scanners can help warehouse managers and business owners achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency, even up to 100% increases in picking accuracy. Additionally, for workflows that require scanning at multiple locations, the scanner and the platform work in tandem to ensure the least possible scanning time without compromising on accuracy.

Accessible and High Mobility Scanning

ProGlove scanners are designed for three main things; accessibility, dexterity, and mobility. ProGlove scanners allow warehouse agents to work with complete accessibility and hold parcels without facing obstruction from a hand-held scanner. Additionally, the back-of-the-hand design increases agents’ dexterity and allows them to use their full range of motion to perform tasks in the warehouse. The convenience and the intuitive nature of scanning packages using a ProGlove scanner are attested to by thousands of warehouse personnel who swear by using it. 

proglove scanner
ProGlove scanners offer high dexterity and mobility to warehouse agents

Plug-and-Play Setup

The Hopstack-ProGlove integration, like every one of the other 50+integrations, is completely plug-and-play. This means setting up a ProGlove device with the Hopstack platform is as easy as scanning the QR code on the device and registering it within the platform. Managers can also assign devices to specific personnel, check on the device status and battery health as well as track important agent performance metrics. 

proglove mobile scanner
Easy to integrate with platform WMS

The ProGlove-Hopstack integration is one of the most pivotal integrations that allow warehouse managers to increase their operational efficiency by up to 100% while ensuring that warehouse personnel and agents can complete a higher volume of work while simultaneously reducing the effort expended in scanning packages. 

To learn more about how the Hopstack platform and ProGloves’ range of scanners can help your warehouse accelerate its’ workflows, fill out the form and get in touch with a product expert. 

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