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Odoo is an open-source enterprise resource planning solution that is one of the first of its kind in the industry. Due to the open source community contributors of Odoo, there are thousands of modules available that can leverage Odoo’s functionalities and help business owners transcend beyond normal ERP functions. Hopstack’s integration with Odoo’s core ERP applications allow for a seamless integration that allows businesses to monitor Hopstack’s fulfillment operations from Odoo, as well as sync important inventory & billing information back to Odoo for unparalleled visibility.

Salient Features

  • Sync order details and status from Hopstack to Odoo seamlessly
  • Sync consignment details from Hopstack to Odoo seamlessly
  • Sync product & inventory information from Hopstack to Odoo and vice versa
  • Actively sync inventory levels and purchase order details to and from Odoo directly through Hopstack
  • Receive Outbound Orders from Odoo (ERP) for fulfillment.
  • These orders will run through the fulfillment workflow in Hopstack and send back the updates back to the ERP. The update from Hopstack should comprise of Fulfillment Status, Inventory update, carrier tracking information (if any)
  • Fetch Product master information and their inventory from ERP. Hopstack will continue to send updates to warehouse inventory for those products as it changes during the fulfillment process.
  • Get consignment information from ERP. These consignments are for inbound shipments into the warehouse. They enable Hopstack customers to perform inbound receiving against the consignment. Hopstack then sends out receiving confirmation and the corresponding Inventory updates back to ERP.
  • Purchase Order details are also synced between ERP and Hopstack. Consignments are linked to the Purchase orders. In some cases, Consignments can directly be created inside Hopstack with reference to the purchase order


Sync Orders

  • Sync orders from Hopstack to Odoo and vice versa
  • Sync order cancellations from Hopstack to Odoo
  • Update fulfillment status, shipping details, inventory updates, and carrier tracking information of fulfilled orders from Hopstack to Odoo

Catalog Management Functions

  • Sync products from Hopstack to Odoo or vice versa
  • Update product details such as name, cost price, MRP, and selling price from Hopstack to Odoo
  • Update item details from Odoo to Hopstack, including all product, attributes necessary from a fulfillment perspective.

Sync Inventory & Purchase Orders

  • Sync inventory levels from Odoo to Hopstack in real-time
  • Sync purchase order details from Odoo to Hopstack and create inbound consignments automatically (in some cases)
  • Fetch product master information and inventory from Odoo to Hopstack. Continue to send updates to warehouse inventory for those products as it changes during the fulfillment process.
  • Aggregate inventory data from all suppliers into one convenient location, powered by the Hopstack platform

Invoicing and Payments

Sync invoice & payment details from Odoo to Hopstack and vice versa

Sales Orders and Purchase Orders

  • Issue sales orders and purchase orders from Odoo and fulfill them directly through the Hopstack platform without separately needing to add details to both platforms
  • Create, share and export purchase orders from within the Hopstack platform using details synced from Odoo, such as vendors, SKUs, payment details, etc.

Custom Integrations

Ability to create custom integrations and fetch other data from the Odoo ERP through developments (created on a case-by-case basis)