Definition, meaning, and explanation of

Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP)

What does Seller Fulfilled Prime Mean?

Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP) is a prime program that allows the Amazon sellers to deliver directly to domestic prime customers from their own warehouse. Amazon provides the right transportation assistance to help meet the prime experience standards.

When sellers display the prime badge on their listing, the sellers are committing to fulfill orders with 2-days delivery at no additional costs of delivery. 

Benefits of Seller Fulfilled Prime:

  • Offering guaranteed delivery date to customers
  • 24/7 after sales customer service by Amazon
  • Reach the most loyal Amazon customers easily
  • “Lightning deals” to grow your business
  • Manage stock across multiple channels
  • High chances of repeat customer purchases

Steps to Join Seller Fulfilled Prime Program:

  1. Qualify for SFP and complete trial period
  2. Inventory storage in own warehouse
  3. Process orders and buy shipping labels from carriers
  4. Pick, pack and ship order same day
  5. SFP carriers collect and deliver orders

Related terms in the

FBA/FBM Glossary
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