
Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model

SCOR Model is a powerful and widely recognized framework designed to analyze and improve various aspects of supply chain performance

What is SCOR Model?

The SCOR Model, standing for Supply Chain Operations Reference Model, is a powerful and widely recognized framework designed to analyze and improve various aspects of supply chain performance. Developed by the Supply Chain Council, this comprehensive model offers a unique approach to examining the intricacies of supply chain processes, benchmarking performance, and implementing best practices. 

It encapsulates the entirety of supply chain activities into six primary management processes: Plan, Source, Make, Deliver, Return, and Enable.

Key Processes of the SCOR Model:

1. Plan

This process entails the development of a strategy to manage resources to meet demand. It encompasses demand and supply planning, as well as balancing resources effectively.

2. Source

Involving procurement operations, this step manages the acquisition of goods and services from suppliers.

3. Make

Focused on production activities, this covers scheduling, manufacturing, packaging, and assembly of products.

4. Deliver

This encompasses all logistics and transportation activities, including order management, warehousing, and delivery to customers.

5. Return

Pertaining to reverse logistics, this involves the processes for returning or receiving returned products for any reason.

6. Enable

This foundational process covers management and support processes that sustain the core supply chain activities, like IT, finance, HR, and compliance.

Key Metrics and KPIs in the SCOR Model:

Reliability Metrics

Include perfect order fulfillment and order fulfillment cycle time, focusing on the timely, accurate, and damage-free delivery of products.

Responsiveness Metrics

Measure the speed at which a supply chain provides products to the customer, like 'cash-to-cash cycle time' and 'supply chain response time.'

Agility Metrics

Evaluate the ability of the supply chain to respond effectively to market changes, such as 'supply chain flexibility' and 'upsell/cross-sell effectiveness.'

Cost Metrics

Encompass all costs associated with operating the supply chain, including 'cost of goods sold' and 'total supply chain management cost.'

Asset Management Metrics

Focus on effectively managing assets to support demand satisfaction, including metrics like 'inventory days of supply' and 'return on supply chain fixed assets.'

By utilizing these processes and metrics, the SCOR Model not only aids in identifying areas of improvement but also assists in tracking the effectiveness of implemented strategies, thereby facilitating continuous improvement in supply chain operations. Its comprehensive nature makes it an indispensable tool for supply chain professionals seeking to optimize their operations and deliver enhanced value to their customers.