Definition, meaning, and explanation of

Inventory Accuracy

What is Inventory Accuracy?

This refers to how accurately the physical inventory matches the inventory recorded in the warehouse management/inventory system.

How to calculate Inventory Accuracy?

Inventory Accuracy = (Correct Inventory Records / Total Inventory Records) * 100

What is the business impact of Inventory Accuracy?

High inventory accuracy ensures smooth operations, reduces stock-outs and excess inventory, and improves customer satisfaction.

Industry benchmark for Inventory Accuracy

Most businesses aim for an accuracy rate of 97% or higher.

How to improve Inventory Accuracy?

  • Implement regular cycle counting.
  • Use a robust warehouse management system.
  • Train staff on proper inventory management practices.
  • Incorporate radio-frequency identification (RFID) systems to improve tracking and reduce human error.
  • Implement a real-time location system (RTLS) to track inventory movement and status.

Related terms in the

Warehousing Metrics Glossary
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