
Batch Picking

Batch picking is a picking strategy where inventory is retreived by grouping orders into "batches". These batches are made based on similar SKUs and their characteristics in each order. Adopting this strategy helps improve operational efficiency by reducing the number of repeated trips a picker has to make.

What is Batch Picking?

Batch picking in warehouse is a picking strategy where inventory is retrieved by grouping orders into "batches". These batches are made based on similar SKUs and their characteristics in each order. 

Batch picking strategy in warehouse usually consists of multiple similar orders (5-20 orders) that are consolidated into a single picking list. Adopting this batch picking strategy helps improve operational efficiency by reducing the number of repeated trips a picker has to make.

How Batch Picking Strategy Works?

Orders that are batched together mostly have similar items or similar pick paths in the warehouse. Here are simple steps of batch picking in warehouse:

  • Create a list of consolidated orders with SKUs, locations, and quantities
  • Assign batches to the pickers along with gathering equipment
  • Pick the items (batches) be it through totes, carts or directly in shipping boxes
  • Pack and ship the orders, sort if required 

Why choose batch picking strategy ?

Some of the key benefits of batch picking in warehouses: